Tim: Here’s a fun one for you: ’80s Danish glam rock?
Tom: I was about to say “that’s completely outside what we usually cover” but, no, after a moment’s thought, this is entirely what we usually cover.
Tim: Bit of fun, isn’t it? I had completely and entirely never heard of this band until a Danish person at work played this track the other day (and by all accounts neither had most English-speaking people, given that their only Wikipedia entry is Danish), but, oh, it’s fun.
Tom: It sounds like… I’ll be honest, it sounds like any other generic 80s glam rock track to me. Except for the first half of the middle eight, that basically gives every instrument a tiny little solo before going into the big electric-guitar number.
Tim: Basically: entirely typical of the genre. Guitar, drums, vocal style, all exactly as they should be. Chorus, absolutely as we’re expecting. A lovely, lovely song, with, if you’re in agreement, a whole discography on your streaming platform of choice.
Tom: Really? I mean, heaven knows I’ve gone down some weird musical rabbit holes before, but I can’t see why this has had quite such an effect on you.
Tim: Me neither, kind of. Basically, for some reason it puts me in mind of Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now, even though it doesn’t actually sound like it, and that’s a track I really like (largely because it puts me in mind of a really really nice ad campaign from a few years back, sue me). So I like this. It’s great.
Tom: I am entirely ambivalent.