Frida Sundemo – Snow

What a difference from a few days ago.

Tim: Yes, we did a Frida Sundemo track just a few days ago. But this is off the same released-in-March EP, quite a bit better than Indigo, and (to top it all) somewhat topical. What fun.

Tom: That’s a builder and no mistake. What a difference from a few days ago.

Tim: Absolutely – the video is not disturbing, the lyrics are not nonsensical, and even better than that, it does more than just squat. Instead, it gets up and does stuff. Not too much, obviously – it’s meant to be a sad song about not enjoying being alone.

Tom: There are parts where that comes through a little too strongly – that glitchy, repeating part at the end of the chorus grates badly for me – but the rest of the chorus is so good that I can’t really complain.

Tim: Good. And despite the song’s sadness, it makes a very good job of dancing around at times, building snowmen, and in the quieter moments you can imagine it lying down to making angel shapes.

Tom: I think this metaphor might be getting away from you.

Tim: And yet I shall persist. It might not want to be outside at all – it would probably rather be inside, being given a mug of hot chocolate from its more upbeat friends, but while it’s out there it’s damn sure it’s going to make the best of a situation that’s almost as bad as, I suppose I should agree, this metaphor has become.

Tom: Care to summarise that?

Tim: Love it.

Frida Sundemo – Indigo

Tom: And now, the creepiest video I’ve seen in a little while.

Tim: Having previously worked as a mascot for the best part of a year, I’d like to express my disapproval that he’s not wearing paws. That there makes it quite clear that it is not, in fact, a massive bunny rabbit that she’s having relationship issues with, which is just not right.

Tom: “You’re an indigo”?


Tom: Look, I know I shouldn’t complain about nonsense lyrics in pop, but that’s nonsense in several different ways.

Tim: Shouldn’t you? Why on Earth not? We complain about everything else, and this is just bloody ridiculous.

Tom: And maybe I could forgive it if the rest of the track was worth it: but the rest of the track just kind of squats around for a bit.

Tim: ‘Squats.’ That’s a good word to use. Well done.

Tom: She’s singing, yes, and there’s some instrumentation. It’s upbeat, sure, but for want of a better metaphor it just seems to be running on the spot, never quite going anywhere. Aside from the brief middle eight, it’s all the bloody same. Sometimes that works, and here… here it doesn’t.

Tim: Yep. That sums it all up pretty well.