Tim: Oh, a classic. I bought this when it came out. Is that something to be ashamed of?
Tom: I think you were probably just stunned by it all. I mean, this is Status Quo. Okay, I can see them allowing the sampling – but also turning up for the video, which is basically “Walk This Way” only featuring people without a septum?
Also, Scooter have been going for decades now. How on earth does their lead sing… er, lead talking guy… look like he’s still in his twenties?
Tim: This is Scooter – it’s only now you’re asking about some sort of supernatural weirdness?
Tom: Fair point. I do love how they got to number 1 in the UK – the new album came with a “bonus disc” which was basically a greatest hits compilation.
Tim: The strange thing about this is that until about thirty seconds before the end, it sounds like two different songs cut up together with no interaction.
Tom: I hadn’t noticed that! You’re exactly right. That explains the end of the video though – it’s only when the hammer slams through the wall that the two songs actually combine.
Tim: Some sort of depth from Scooter. This is officially very odd.