Tom: “If this isn’t big,” writes Matt, our resident Radio Insider, “I’ll buy a hat so I can eat it.”
Tom: So: let’s run through FWEEP the basics. A horn section; a FWEEP drum and bass backing; a gorgeous voice and FWEEP… is that you, Tim?
Tim: Erm – say what now?
Tom: You know what. Inserting that ‘FWEEP’. The horn squeal. The one that’s really FWEEP bloody noticeable, because it’s been used as FWEEP the main part of ‘Insane in the Membrane‘, and ‘Jump Around‘?
Tim: Oh, that.
Tom: It can’t actually be in Yasmin’s track, because no producer would FWEEP be insane enough to include a sample like that. It’s all anyone will hear. No matter FWEEP how good the rest of the track is – and this track is good – all anyone’s going to hear is FWEEP.
Tim: You think? Because – actual truth – I didn’t notice it until the last part. It’s quiet and infrequent enough for it not to stand out too much, at least until it appears on its own towards the end. The one annoying thing about it is that now I have heard it, I always expect it to hit on the first beat instead of the last. That is what annoys me about it, and the rest is good. But yes – odd placement.
Tim: Shut up.
Tom: …fweep?