Tim: Teenage triplets, and identical ones at that.
Tom: I was going to make a “be still my beating heart”, but I’m getting a more “Children of the Corn” vibe off them. They’re really rather creepy.
Tim: As a girlband they’ve been a while in the making, but here’s their first single, so get ready for a faceful of autotune, although rest assured that it does calm down after a bit.
Tom: That is, indeed, a faceful of autotuning.
Tim: Now, I think this is what they call ‘catchy’. It’s happy, it’s chirpy, and it’s rather nice.
Tom: It’s almost too much sugar, and that’s saying something from someone who used to listen to rather too much J-Pop.
Tim: I do like the ending, which is abrupt, but not in such a way that it feels like someone’s just turned the microphones off by accident, what with the final revelation of the (not remotely surprising) lucky number.
Tom: They actually appear to have used DTMF tones – or something very close to them – as an actual melody line. Top works to whoever wrote that.
Tim: It also has the benefit of being educational – now, children, you can greet people wherever you are in the world!
Tom: I just generally SPEAK LOUDLY and SLOWLY. It seems to work.