Tim: This is real. Seriously, it is.
Tom: Oh no. No, no, no. I recognise that name. Their previous, incredibly bouncy single has been stuck in my head for ages thanks to several members of London Hackspace. For a brief, horrible while it was set as my entrance music: every time I touched my Oyster card to the door to unlock it, that damned song would blast out. I’m not listening to this.
Tim: Spoilsport.
Tim: I LOVE it. But only as a whole – the music is admittedly fairly awful (unless I’ve got a lot of WKD in me), and the video’s slightly appalling as well. Together, though? OUTSTANDING. And horribly catchy, so the music will be in my head for the rest of the day and the video won’t be and it’ll be a nightmare. OH GOD.
Tom: Welcome to my world, Tim. I can’t even review it properly: hearing it just causes this intense, burning desire to stop listening.
Tim: One thing in particular I’m a big fan of, though: the animated massive sweeping Eurovision-style crane shots they’ve got going on. They really convey the size and magnificence of the huge stadium they’ve, um, drawn.
Tom: I checked the video on mute. You’re right.
Tim: Fans of this may wish to check out their previous work – as you say, and disturbing as it may seem, this is not a novelty one-off. Have a 24-video YouTube Mix.
Tom: Don’t do it, folks. Save yourself while you can.