Tim: San Francisco…that’s in California, right? Bearing that in mind, let’s have a listen to this.
Tim: Remind you of anything?
Tom: That’s… well, it’s fair to say it’s very much “in the style of” Katy Perry. It’s also about 12 months late.
Tim: Now let’s be honest, Cascada’s glory days are well and truly behind them. Which is a shame, because Everytime We Touch was a great album, and Perfect Day wasn’t bad either. This…well, this is pretty much textbook ripping off, and it’s disappointing.
Tom: It’s worth taking a moment to notice that this is another case of the YouTube Video Editing Phenomenon: where the official video of the song will have a break of a few measures in the middle that isn’t in the actual track, in order to get the people who use YouTube as a jukebox to actually pay for the track.
Tim: New album’s out soon, by the way – according to the description of this video, it’s called Original Me. Really, it is.
Tom: As opposed to all those copies of her that are running about.