Danish Week: Le Freak – 25 Hours A Day

The lead singer looks suitably insane.

Tim: Now, with less than two weeks to go, we’ve almost filled up our Saturday Reject slots, but somehow we’ve completely forgotten about any Danish entries. This is a great shame, because this year’s Dansk Melodi Grand Prix was an absolute triumph. Let’s make up for that with a week of the stuff.


Tim: These guys are pretty much the closest DMGP —

Tom: (That’s “Dansk Melodi Grand Prix”, fact fans.)

Tim: — got to Le Kid, and it really is a good track, isn’t it?

Tom: I’m geeky enough that the “25 hours a day” thing annoys me, just as it would if someone said they were “giving 110%”. The bridge and key change redeemed it, though.

Tim: Good, because yes, it’s annoying, but it’s also as poppy as they come, the lead singer looks suitably insane (with suitably short legwear) and the lighting is just all over the place, which suits the tone of the song no end.

Tom: That’s a proper seventies-hippie getup she’s wearing, and while I do appreciate the short legwear I can’t help but note they’re pulled up so high they look a bit like some kind of schlager-based surgical truss.

Tim: My only slight disappointment comes at the closing part, when they could (and basically should) have got a bit more use out of the oohh-ohh singer that comes in for a couple of notes and then sort of fades away again.

Tom: It does go on a bit too much – but then, it looks like it came out the 70s. That fits it well.