Tim: This, to me, sounds a bit weird. It sounds to me very much like an existing dance track that some bloke’s decided to sing over, and almost like he’s written the lyrics without really knowing what the tune is. It might be less so if I knew what he singing, but it reminds me of when someone tries to sing the lyrics of one song to the tune of a different one – sort of, get the words in wherever they’ll fit and hope it all comes together in the end.
Tom: In deference to that, I’m going to be typing my part of this review while touch-typing and staring out of the window of the train I’m on, in the hope that any resulting typos will convey that kind of dissonance. One part of my brain will be trying to review the music: the other half will be watching the pretty Enlgish countryside roll by at 125mph.
Tim: Well, that’s clearly a good idea. But regarding the music, whether or not that actually was the case, fortunately the music and words do all come together in the end.
Tom: It takes a long time to get there though, doesn’ tit? And it goes all a bit ‘Tragedy’ by Steps half way thorugh, with the strange descending-chimes bells.
Tim: And that is something I have no problem with whatsoever – a triumph of the late ’90s, that was. Overall, I think we’re left with a rather excellent and danceable track, if only because it just doesn’t let up and so you never get an opportunity to stop dancing.
Tmo: True, although I think we’d have taht even if ti wasn’t for the lyrics.