Tom: Blimey, talk about “don’t bore us, get to the chorus”. Not just the first line, but the very first millisecond of the song. Pity that it’s a bit lacklustre as hooks go, although once the beat kicks in it gets a bit better.
Tim: Well, I think it’s great. The underlying piano melody isn’t particularly complex, but is varied enough so as not to get boring, and actually reminds me somewhat of Still Alive.
It is, of course, the sort of music that was popular eight years ago – Ian van Dahl, Lasgo, that lot – and that I never stopped enjoying.
Tom: “I… want… you… to want me back.” Really? Then sound excited about it!
Tim: But part of me really likes that, well, not lack of effort, but understatedness of it. We also have elements of the good parts of Robyn in there, which is nice.
Tom: I’ll leave my smutty innuendo aside, shall I?
Tim: Please do. Robyn does, after all, make good music despite the occasional flaws we point out.
Tom: It could use a few more of her parts, I reckon. Her enthusiasm, for one.