Tim: Now, don’t let the first thirty seconds put you off.
Tom: I think I must be getting used to dubstep, because I quite like the first thirty seconds.
Tim: Thomas Scott, what on Earth is happening to you? Still, I’m glad to hear it. And speaking of things I’m glad to hear, that chorus right there is proper club banger stuff, that is, and I like it because it GETS ME GOING.
Tom: I’m not sure I wanted to know that.
Tim: Well, tough. I think it’s good to share. As for the rest of it, though? Hmm. Verses aren’t really all that special, and there are a couple of shockers: as is to be expected, the overly long and overly shit rap bit goes a long way towards pushing this into the dislike category, and I’m very much unsure about the first lyrical couplet involving private hos (or is it hoes?) and junk touching.
Tom: “I’ll let you touch my junk” is a bold lyric if ever there was one.
Tim: But if one can put those aside, we have an enjoyable track. Fairly big ‘if’, though.