Tom: Brace yourself, Tim; she’s back to a typical Gaga video. It’s 47 seconds before the music starts. Although she does appear to be appearing almost as herself, with barely a ridiculous costume – well, barely anything – at least once in here.
Tim: Is there a point to Lady Gaga’s videos other than to get people to say, “What the hell was that all about?” Because I don’t have a clue.
Tom: But what a wonderful bit of music. It’s… well, what genre is it? Old school rock and roll? Country? I’m not sure, but it’s brilliant.
Tim: It is. Not quite Alejandro or Bad Romance brilliant, mind, and certainly not Edge of Glory, but on a par with Born This Way and Judas. Good work.
Tom: It’s not going to be lighting up the clubs without a remix, but can you imagine how good this will sound live? The woman can sing, Tim, she really can.
Tim: I think that right now you’d have to go a long way to find someone who’d disagree with you there.