Tom: WORRYING: a single released by the blob-like London 2012 Olympic mascots.
REASSURING: written by Tom McFly and his sister.
WORRYING: It doesn’t have an official video yet, so we have this rather creepy fan-appreciation clip instead.
Tim: Hey, kids! Got no mates? Feeling bullied at school? Don’t worry – these two toys will be your friends, and then all your troubles will be over. Yes – that’s how society works.
Tom: So here’s what I think: the lyrics are terrible. The children’s choir are terrible. But the music? It’s fantastic.
Tim: Yeah, I can get with that.
Tom: Give this some different words, get McFly to perform it, and you’ve got a Christmas hit on your hands. As it is, though? It’s going to go nowhere apart from the background of some rather cheesy Olympics promotional videos.
Tim: Probably for the best.
Tom: I do keep thinking it’s going to break into Footloose, though.