Tom: Got introduced to this band by Charles, one of the team I’m working with at the moment. I Fight Dragons are a rock band that use regular instruments for the main parts and old Nintendo consoles for backing instrumentation. While while that might seem a bit, well, niche… have a listen to this cover. And give it thirty seconds or so to kick in.
Tim: Hmm. Intriguing.
Tom: They do original songs first and foremost, but a cover will always be a more accessible way to introduce a new band to someone. Particularly a cover that’s as ridiculously overblown as this is.
Tim: Yeah, and overblown as it might be, it’s enjoyable enough.
Tom: And yes, the 8-bit noises in the background can be a bit annoying until you get used to them; but they also distinguish it quite well from all the other Huey Lewis covers out there. They might well be a novelty act – but they’re a novelty act with a lot of actual talent backing them up.
Tim: That they are.