Tom: The first single off the new album, already in fairly heavy rotation on the radio. And, well, I can hear why.
Tom: It’s like distilled Snow Patrol – all the powerful emotional slams from the last album distilled into one blinding track. Slow to start, yes, but for crying out loud it then even has a choir coming in for the first chorus. And then it keeps building.
Tim: It does indeed, and I really like this. You might think, with the choir and that moment the heavy drums kick in, that’s it’s going to peak too soon, but it really doesn’t. Unusual structure to it as well – just verse, chorus, verse, chorus, end.
Tom: Perhaps it’s not quite as anthemic or singalong as ‘Run’ was – I’ll grant that. But it’s from the Difficult Second Album; the fans will like it, and everyone else will hear it enough times to like it anyway.
Tim: Good start? Second album? What are you on about, dear?
Tom: Well, Difficult Sixth Album then.
Tim: This is the second track from Fallen Empires (the first got to number 11 two months back), which is, as you corrected yourself to say, their sixth album. Two before they got big, then 2003’s Final Straw (got to number 3), 2006’s Eyes Open (number 1), and 2008’s A Hundred Million Suns (number 2). And as for singles, if all you can think of is Run, then, well, I don’t think you should be allowed to write about music.