Miss 600 – Typically Me

Old instrumentation and new production values.

Tom: Film the video in someone’s backyard, edit it on a Mac, and bang, you’re done. This isn’t a big-label production – but it’s managed Radio 2 playlisting despite that.

Tom: Straight to the point: I love the music. I love the sound, the feel of it. It’s got a beautiful combination of old instrumentation and new production values. And her voice sounds incredible.

Tim: Yes, I can see that. Style doesn’t do a huge amount for me, but I can go with it.

Tom: But I really, really dislike the lyrics. It’s like a crap self-deprecating stand up comedy act. Oh, look, I did this. And then I did this. I can’t explain why, somehow, this particular set of lyrics have wound me up, but wound me up they have.

Tim: Or maybe it’s some sort of cynical psychological thingy she’s got going on with her fans – look at me feeling sorry for myself, prove I’m wrong by buying this record.

Tom: Which is a shame, because as I said – the rest of it’s lovely.