– Moshi Moshi

“Yep, I totally brought philosophy into a bubblegum pop music review. DEAL WITH IT.”

Tim: Dance Dance Revolution fans, fire up your consoles please.

Tom: Wait, I don’t see ‘Saturday Flashback’ up there. They’re still going? Wow.

Tim: Slight personnel change, but yep. Still going.

Tom: Like many Eurodance groups, they’re a Trigger’s Broom problem: if you’ve replaced all the component parts, is it still the same item?

Yep, I totally brought philosophy into a bubblegum pop music review. DEAL WITH IT.

Tim: I’ll deal with that, but Trigger’s Broom? Mate, we’re a pop music blog. I think you’ll find it’s called the Sugababes Conundrum.

Tim: Here, we have an example of slightly wishful thinking. Dream about somebody, try to find him on the internet (despite a total lack of evidence that he actually exists), unsurprisingly fail, and then he phones you up on a good strong 4G connection. Sounds reasonable, right?

Tom: Smile.DK songs had two good points when they featured in DDR games: first of all they were over-the-top cheesy, and secondly they were cut down to only 90 seconds long. This one seems to lack both of those. The plot of the song isn’t really important.

Tim: Well, the plot isn’t hugely important, no, but it does matter that you’re so happy it’s happened that you throw in one of the most ridiculous key-changes this side of Evergreen. Perfect day all round, really.

Tom: The strange thing is this: I don’t like the song. So why on earth did I start tapping my foot after that key change? Suddenly that bit of uplift made it all better. What’s wrong with me?