Tim: I’ve been meaning to bring this up for a couple of months now, but never got round to it. Still, better late than never, innit.
Tom: Professional as ever.
Tim: Damn straight, bruv.
Tom: Those first four piano chords did have me half-expecting Look Around You’s “Little Mouse“, but fortunately it went elsewhere very quickly. Instead, well… I reckon it sounds very much like Disney’s not-particularly-showstopping “Colors of the Wind“, but for the life of me I can’t say why.
Tim: I’ll be honest: I can’t hear that at all.
Tom: I think it’s just in the verses, but then again it may just be in my head.
Tim: Well, whether it is or not, this basically has far more to it than a song like this would normally have, and it’s all the better for it. Because it could so easily have been written as a slow, fairly dreary piano ballad, without all the drums and everything, and it would have been ‘fine’. Fits the ‘I’ve got a nice guy’ message, she’s got a good voice, gets airplay, does well. Nothing good, nothing special, but more of a ‘yeah, this’ll do’ type deal. You know, like The Wanted’s latest album.
Tom: Incidentally, The Wanted are doing very well in America right now. First track I heard on the radio during my recent trip to the states? “Glad You Came”. Now there’s something I didn’t expect. Anyway, yes: this could have been very Adele-like.
Tim: But no. You add the drums in, and then the brass, and it becomes so special, so brilliant. Such a celebratory song, about how she’s got this guy and she’s so happy about it, that you can’t help moving to it. Maybe just a tiny bit, or maybe you’ll do what I tend to do when it appears – start jumping about, clapping hands and everything, and if I’m feeling particularly up for it I’ll join in with a couple of the ‘ooooh-oooh’s. Which do you favour?
Tom: I’ll go for singing Disney songs over the top of it, I think.