Tim: How about a nice “I screwed up, please please please god take me back please please please” song?
Tom: Ooh, a silent moody video intro. Is there going to be piano… yep, there’s the piano.
Tim: What’s interesting about this, lyrically, is that although she seems incredibly desperate, on a level not seen since, well, actually, have there ever been any songs as desperate as this?
Tom: Think Twice by Celine Dion? That screaming is pretty desperate.
Tim: True, but at least there there’s something to cling on to – here he’s actually chucked her and she’s just singing into the wind as much as she can. But despite that, there are only three lines in the whole four minute song that acknowledge she did something bad, and only one implies any form of sorrow. Rude cow.
Tom: Harsh. Should we talk about the music?
Tim: As a ballad it’s not bad, but as a form of apology it’s more “let’s put that behind us” than “I’m so sorry”, and so I’m almost disinclined to like it on that basis alone, which is a shame, really.
Tom: It is. You know what this sounds like? It sounds like an Elton John track. I mean that as a compliment – it’s not going to be the first single off an Elton John album, but it sounds like the kind of thing he’d put together. I like it.
Tim: It is quite good, I’ll grudgingly admit, and that delicate key change almost makes up for whatever it was she did. Unless she killed his dog or something.