Tim: So, here’s a debut single from a couple of Swedish folk.
Tim: This one’s interesting, as far as I’m concerned. It starts of slow, a vocal builds up nicely, and then at 1:14 the beat drops in and it all gets going nicely. Very nicely, in fact, and I could listen to that melody for quite some time without complaining.
Tom: Ooh, that has a Proper Drop. Late enough to be needed, early enough not to get boring.
Tim: Except then, a minute later, it all gets going again with a much more emphasised vocal and it goes from ‘nicely’ to ‘very well indeed’, I think.
Tom: Agreed. I don’t think we’ve ever had a track on here that even tries to pull that off, let alone do it successfully. It does mean there’s no real middle-eight, but I can live with that.
Tim: Not sure what the ending’s all about, though, but if it happens to be an extract from their next track (this one’s out next month, by the way) then I’m looking forward to that as well.