Tim: Remember that Machine one from Friday that was in the competition? Well actually, don’t vote for that because this is better.
Tim: And just so you know, I wrote that first sentence even before it got to 2:51, and at that moment I was properly sold.
Tom: As I’m writing this, I haven’t even got past the first verse, and I completely agree that it’s better. Now, admittedly, in this case “better” means “more suited to my musical tastes”, but, you know potato-potahto.
Tim: That chorus has a proper tap/clap/click/something to the beat vibe about it, and even in comparison the verses have still got a decent amount of stuff to them. And then when you throw in the key change – admittedly after all the stopping and starting in the middle eight it had to finish with something pretty good, but that there just makes up for it, the memories of the dodgy bit are thrown out of the window and all that’s left is the triumphant soaring bit in the background, all wrapped up nicely.
Tom: “Soaring” is the right word: but I’m all in favour of a middle eight with strange drum fills and patterns – particularly when the payoff is that good.
Tim: So we’re agreed – this is where you should vote. Not that other one. I forbid you.