Tim: Was there ever an internet meme called ‘Mystic Pony’, or something similar? Because the first three shots of this brought that straight to my mind and it seems a bit odd.
Tom: Charlie the Unicorn? Can’t stand it myself, but that seems the obvious connection. Or Robot Unicorn Attack, which is in the running for “best Flash game ever made”.
Tim: No, neither of them. Oh well, let’s watch some kids have fun on ‘Spring’s First Day’, as the title translates to.
Tim: Right, so once I’d got mystic ponies out of my head that rolling guitar bit came in and I suddenly got excited because it brought a wonderful sensation of ‘something brilliant will soon happen’. And bloody hell, yes it did.
Tom: I’ll agree with that: it’s a fun song, and by the time the second or third chorus rolled around I found myself tapping my foot along. It’s happy and positive and lovely, even if I don’t understand the lyrics.
Tim: Also, and I know you’re a grumpy bastard who doesn’t like kids’ choirs and stuff, but surely even you can’t deny that this video is just utterly lovely. Kids running wild in the woods, dressed up in costumes, with one playing a french horn that is at least 50% too big for him to be able to sensibly handle – it’s all wonderful.
Tom: The song’s lovely. The video… well, the singer’s nice, but the rest just left me a bit cold. But I’m willing to accept that’s a shortcoming of my own brain.
Tim: Could it end at the quiet bit around 3:30 with no-one complaining? Yes. But does the extra minute seem like it’s dragging on? No, not at all. Because this song is, like I said, LOVELY. It’s puts me in the same mindset as the video for Magic did, and that’s high praise indeed.