Tom: A female electronica trio with slightly quirky vocals, bouncy electronica backing, and a liking for retro-styling. Yep, it’s the Pipettes. No, sorry. It’s “Poppy and the Jezebels”, apparently.
Tim: Decent enough name.
Tom: Now I’ve made the comparison, though, I can’t help but think of them as a less catchy version of the Pipettes. I can’t really think of anything else to add: there’s nothing wrong with it, I just keep expecting something to set them apart. It’s all… nice.
Tim: Well, it is quite catchy – chorus certainly goes on long enough to make it so. It’s a good chorus, though it’s let down by the fact that despite concentrating very hard, I’m entirely unable to make out the first line of it. And that annoys me, because a song like this is one I want to sing along to when I’m feeling chirpy.
Tom: I do find myself constantly distracted during the video by the fact they haven’t got their placards in order. I shouldn’t find that annoying, but I do.
Tim: Not as annoying as you would have found the three guys at the Scooter gig I went to at the weekend that held up signs with “HARDER”, “SCOOTER”, and “FASTER” on them. In that order.
Tom: GAH. I cringed, Tim, and I wasn’t even there.