Dot Rotten feat. TMS – Overload

Just play the original Robert Miles version. You can’t beat it. You just can’t.

Tom: Wait, Dot Rotten? That’s not your usual style of music, Tim. What’s going on?

Tim: Well, I woke up to the beginning of this a few days ago.

Tom: Ah, that explains it. God damn it, people. Just play the original Robert Miles version. You can’t beat it. You just can’t.

Tim: My semi-conscious thought process was roughly as follows:

  1. Ooh, lovely tune to wake up to.
  2. Huh, guy singing. Interesting.
  3. Oh, ‘overload’, yes I see, that’s appropriate.
  4. Oh God, rapping, really?
  5. Ah, it’s gone, it’s nice again.
  6. Oh no, here we go agaiOKAY I’M AWAKE LEAVE ME ALONE.

But overall? I actually don’t think it’s all that bad.

Tom: It’s not, but that’s because it’s based on Robert Miles’s Children.

Tim: Exactly. He’s got some decent source material and, in the words of many a TV talent show judge/coach, really made it his own. If it wasn’t for Children in the background I wouldn’t get past thirty seconds of it, mostly because he’s just spouting pointless bollocks about The Man (or the Illuminati, if you believe YouTube commenters) and how life’s meaningless.

Tom: Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

Tim: Well, no, and there’s also the fact that he’s adapted his name from a fictional female septuagenarian. As it is, though, I can focus on the music, and not pay any attention to what the words mean.

Tom: If you want that, just listen to the original! I know I’m repeating myself, but… gah! There’s a reason so many people have tried to rip it off over the years – and none of them have succeeded. You wouldn’t get through more than thirty seconds because there’s nothing else there.

Tim: I should rephrase – I wouldn’t get to thirty seconds in, and I certainly wouldn’t get to sixty seconds in. But at that point, I love it. The stuff he’s added on top? Brilliant. His voice? Works great (again, without listening to the words). You may call it sacrilege, but I think that chorus is absolutely fantastic.