Tom: Wait, this is a few weeks old now. Why this track?
Tim: Well, on Friday, we had a song no-one would ever have thought I liked. On Saturday, we had a song about fellatio. Now, let’s COMBINE THE TWO!
Tom: That is the worst introduction you’ve ever written. Well done.
Tim: Yes, I quite liked it too.
Tim: First, I want to make one thing clear: I hate that I like this song. Tune. Whatever. I still have no time for Flo Rida as a musician. His way of jumping into other people’s songs and ruining them is abhorrent, and the pleasure he takes in yelling out his name I find ridiculous. This, though, finds both those things pleasingly absent, and it replaces them with a cracking tune.
Tom: You know, there’s an art in making whistling sound good on a record – because it’s a sound with very few harmonics, it tends to sound incredibly rough and ear-grating. They haven’t quite managed it here, but they’ve come close – and yes, I’ve got to admit it’s a decent tune.
Tim: Unfortunately, the rapping bits are as disappointing as ever. BUT: they’re less than thirty seconds each, which is manageable, and they have a nice guitar/drum bit underneath them rather than some D&B/dubstep/other awful thing, and there are only two of them, or three if you include the middle eight. The rest of it I like. His singing (such as it is) is listenable enough, and the tune’s light-hearted and catchy.
Tom: Catchy to the extent that I was sure that I’d heard it before on the first listen. I can’t find anyone mentioning him sampling a track, so I think it’s just a very generic “upbeat/happy” tune that sounds like many others. Not bad for a summer hit.
Tim: The final positive thing of note, of course, is that when you strip everything away and get down to the meaning: it’s four minutes of an overweight guy asking for a blowjob. And that’s got to give it some points, surely?