Tom: I can sum this up in five words: “not as good as Stronger”.
Tim: Agreed.
Tom: Which is a shame, because I want to like this song – and not just because I like Kelly Clarkson. It’s got a cracking chorus when it kicks in, but it’s spoiled by a few things. The calmer “will you love me / even with my dark side” bit just seems out of place, and the video just seems melodramatic and fake.
Tim: It me, it seems…a bit dull. Yes, it gets going towards the end, but since you opened this review comparing it to Stronger I now want something as big as that was. It’s YOUR FAULT I’m disappointed, Tom Scott. YOUR FAULT.
Tom: Pink does this kind of song and video very well: the “people aren’t ideal, but try to cope with them” track that’s got an emotional punch that’ll make teenage girls cry. And this track is trying so hard – too hard – to be that. But on the back of Stronger, it just seems like a poor imitation.