Tom: Many years ago, when I was a kid, I went to the cinema to see… something-or-other. And when I got home, and my folks asked me if the film was any good, I’ve no idea what I said. But I do remember mentioning this – because for whatever reason, they played this video in its entirety as one of the trailers. I don’t know why: but it clearly stuck with me.
Tom: A four-minute trailer that’s actually an Elton John music video. And what a video: they didn’t need to go to the expense of animating special scenes, let alone rotoscoping a cartoon Elton into it – but they did. And that’s just be a useless gimmick, if it wasn’t also a brilliant song.
Tim: Brilliant is one word to use; another word would be standard Elton John fare.
Tom: The thing is, standard Elton John fare – at least for his singles – is “brilliant”. He’s got ‘great hits’ albums that are two CDs long, and you’ll recognise most of the tracks on them.
Tim: Yes – I suppose I’m coming across slightly negative because, well, it’s an Elton John soundtrack song and I want it to be properly great.
Tom: I say brilliant because, well, it’s your quintessential Elton John soundtrack song. Everything about it is predictable in the best possible way: it’s catchy, it’s uplifting, and it’s got a key change at the end. It made me smile.
Tim: The key change made me smile as well, but mostly for the “ah yes, there it is” factor. Again, though, I can’t help feeling I’m being unreasonably negative. Sorry.
Tom: Well, like I say: it stuck with me.