Tim: Oh, no, let’s not listen to this, it’s awful.
Tom: Too late, Tim, this train is a-rollin’! They’re back. And… what the hell are they up to?
Tim: I don’t know, but it’s rubbish, so can’t we do something else?
Tim: You see? Told you.
Tom: Are they ripping off “Boyfriend” by Justin Bieber? ‘Cos let me tell you: that’s not the best thing to rip off.
Tim: No, it isn’t, though it strikes me more like NSync’s “Girlfriend”, though that’s not much better.
Tom: And what on earth is that “Bla! Bo-de-oh-la!” in the background?
Tim: Awful? Crap? Dire? They’re all what it is.
Tom: And – more than that – what’s with the sudden (surprisingly melodic) bridge, ruined by positively infantile lyrics?
Tim: I don’t know, I really don’t like this, and not even in an entertaining way. Can I go now?
Tom: I really have no more coherent response than “what”.