Eric Saade – Marching (In The Name Of Love)


Tim: Two new songs from Eric Saade dropped last week.

Tom: Well, pick them up then.

Tim: Very well, I shall. Let’s start with this one, and we’ll get to the other tomorrow. Sound good?

Tom: Crikey, that’s a long build. 90 seconds of lead-in to a not-particularly-heavy beat that doesn’t last all that long. It’s almost begging for some kind of dubstep remix, particularly with that much autotune on it.

Tim: Oh, the autotune. OH GOD THE AUTOTUNE. Why? He’s a very competent singer, he doesn’t need it for that. It can’t be to sound current, because that phase seems to have finally (and thankfully) died out. It’s just horrible, and I don’t understand why.

Tom: Maybe it just wasn’t that interesting without it? It almost sounds like a track from a soundtrack album: it’s trying to be all uplifting and euphoric, but it just seems like it’s trying too hard.

Tim: And as for the rest, it’s, well, alright – it’s a decent chorus (though the intro to it does get uncomfortably close to having a Flo Rida-esque “look at me, I’m so brilliant” vibe) and a nice dance bit following it. I just wish it didn’t sound quite so 2009.