Tim: I’m not going to introduce this, save to say there’s a studio version here if you’d prefer.
Tim: Doesn’t really need an introduction, you see, because it’s incredible.
Tom: It’s not what I expected from a Röyksopp single, that’s for sure. Or at least, the first part wasn’t.
Tim: No, nor what I expected, but that’s no bad thing. It starts like a quiet piano ballad and holds it for a while, another layer comes in, and then– actually, I could go through it like that but it wouldn’t explain what’s great about it because it’s just not that sort of song. It’s the way it feels that really gets you, the way it surrounds you and gets underneath you, with the vocal that’s both soaring but slightly haunting as well.
Tom: I’m not sure it quite got into me in the same way – it’s a builder, certainly, but it didn’t send shivers up my spine like it seems to have yours. Good track, though.
Tim: Really? Because I think it’s just…well, incredible.