Jessica Andersson – Ge Inte Upp

“Hear this, and be energised.”

Tim: Hear this, and be energised.

Tim: What a lovely, lovely track this is.

Tom: Now I disagree there, but I can’t put my finger on why. I suspect this might just be my personal taste getting in the way: it certainly ticks all the boxes.

Tim: It really does. A great chorus. Brilliant instrumentation (with multiple guitars, you’ll notice). An excellent voice. And a cracking key change. I don’t think there’s anything more we need from a song, is there?

Tom: Well, it depends on the song. If we were looking at a concept album by Jack White, for instance, perhaps we’d be looking for narrative consistency and some experimental materials.

Tim: You might – I’d be wanting a decent key change.

Tom: Fortunately, this isn’t a concept album by Jack White, so I suspect we’re all good.

Tim: Pretty much, yes, although I suppose we could complete the set with a nice inspiring message in the lyrics; it’s fortunate, then, that the title means “Don’t Give Up”, and so we have our full house. Wonderful, more like this please.