Tim: Australian dance group you may remember from a couple of singles a few years back, but probably not; anyway, here’s their new single.
Tim: It’s been a good week for feel good songs, hasn’t it? Well, aside from that Snoop Crocodile tripe on Monday, anyway. We’ve had everybody dancing, everybody whistling, and now every minute is spent feeling alive. What a super feeling.
Tom: I appreciate the lyrics, but for whatever reason I’m just not getting that feeling from this particular song. There’s a lot of high-frequency hiss – I don’t think that’s the compression – and not much else of note that I can hear. Yes, the guitar after the middle eight is good, and that final chorus might get me jumping a bit, but there’s so much more that could be done here.
Tim: Hmm. There I will say simply: you’re a bit wrong. I suppose the hissiness is down to taste, but I think it’s a pretty good track, all round. There’s a slight issue with the lyrics similar to yesterday, but I’m not going to completely repeat myself, so I’ll just say that I for one would certainly rather feel alive than feel dead and leave it at that.
The vocals grate on me a bit in their harsher moments, but the dance-ness of it is pretty much undeniable – that chorus hits, everybody jumps up and down, there’s no real alternative, which I reckon is just fine. Who knows, they might even start singing along, which would be just lovely, as I do like a dancefloor that isn’t full of people who think they’re corpses.
Tom: So say we all.
Tim: Oh, and a strange thing: should you, for whatever reason, wish to hear an instrumental version of this song stretched to fill three hours rather than three minutes, you can.
Tom: I don’t know why anyone would want to do that.
Tim: No. But at least there’s the option to.