Tim: First single from his fourth album. Previously we’ve had full on pop and vaguely urban dance stuff. Now, though, it seems guitar music is coming back. Who’d have thought it?
Tom: Move on, Tim.
Tim: Never.
Tom: Mind you, the first verse of this sounds like something the Backstreet Boys might have released, so perhaps it’s appropriate to go back to old material.
Tim: Let’s get straight down to business: this is a pretty good track, but, as far as I’m concerned, it has a flaw, which we’ll get to in a sec. We’ll first give a brief nod to the verses, which is all they really deserve, but now come to the chorus.
Tom: It’s a pretty good chorus. What’s up with it?
Tim: The first half – the good, descending “I’ve been on the road…” bit – is excellent. It’s catchy, it’s quick, it’s upbeat, and it would be a great hook to carry the song.
Tom: Agreed. But it can’t?
Tim: No, because apparently the main focus of the song is in fact the less infectious, slower, and in comparison really rather dull, “I’m coooming hoome,” and for me, that’s just not enough to carry the song.
Tom: Hmm. You’re right – and that’s obvious from the fact that the bridge, coming back from that middle eight, is “I’m on the road” and not “coming home”. It’s got plenty of good hooks – and none of them are the “important bit” of the song. Bit of an overreaction to write it off for that, surely?
Tim: Oh, I’m not writing it off at all – it’s a good song, but it’s just let down unfairly by the fact that what’s meant to be the best part of it is fact one of the weakest parts. HOW DISAPPOINTING.