Tim: Standard story: wake up to the radio, hear it in a half-asleep state, think ‘ooh, this is pleasant’ and then find out what it was. A French band, which has somehow out of nowhere made it onto the Radio 1 B-list. (And Tom, you’ll want to skip the first 25 seconds.)
Tom: Skipped.
Tim: Standard story number 2: I don’t really know what’s going on in the video, and I don’t really mind, because it’s all about the music. The lyrics also are a bit of a mish-mash, but again, it’s the music that takes pride of place, because it really is cracking.
Tom: Really? That surprises me. It just seems over-distorted and a bit atonal to me. What stands out for you?
Tim: Well, while it’s perhaps not all that memorable, that’s largely because there’s a lot of it – it’s fast and fairly aggressive, but in a slightly dreamy manner (emphasised by the vocals). Until I’d heard this I’d have thought that was a somewhat ludicrous combination, but it really seems to work for me here. Very pleasant indeed.
Tom: It’s one of those tracks that – while I can understand why other people might like it – doesn’t engage me at all. Still, to each their own.