Tim: You’ll hopefully remember Minnie-Oh from the amazing harpsichord-infused explosion at a liquorice all-sort factory that was You & I, at last year’s Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix. Clearly one to captalise on the moment, she’s waited a mere fifteen months to bring out her second track.
Tom: Can I just say that’s a wonderful opening paragraph? Because it is.
Tim: Oh, thank you very much.
Tom: Oh my word. It’s just so happy.
Tim: So often, Scandinavian electropop (thought admittedly this is way over towards the pop end of that genre) is rather downbeat, and I’d just sort of accepted that as a thing.
Tom: The first verse sounded like it was going that way, so the chorus took me by surprise in the best way.
Tim: Exactly my thoughts – after that opening it quickly picks up into something much happier and jauntier, of levels almost approaching her previous. It’s very much in the same vein that I really enjoyed back then and really enjoy here, with the lovely flowing instrumentation in the background being a particular highlight.
Tom: It still feels odd to say “whoever programmed those synths did a good job”, but they really did.
Tim: Voice is good too, although I worry it has potential to be suited to ballads in the future, which really wouldn’t do for anyone, so let’s hope she doesn’t do that. In fact, let’s hope we just get more of the same, and slightly more frequently, please.
Tom: Agreed.