Tim: Nova is a Swedish singer, and in my view somewhat underappreciated. Here, her third single.
Tom: I was half-expecting that to go into “Against All Odds” after the intro.
Tim: A question: what genre’s this? Beyond just pop, I mean, with the heavy drums in the background. There are a lot of tracks around right now in this vein, not least Emmelie de Forest’s Eurovision winner, and I don’t know what to call them.
Tom: Folk-pop, perhaps? The vocals and instruments would seem to give it that kind of air.
Tim: Hmm, sounds pretty good. But regardless of the name, it’s a good track. I find myself needing to struggle through the verses somewhat, as they’re a bit bland and a bit shouty, but the chorus has a lovely first part and a good in a different way second part, and the middle eight could almost be described as delightful.
Tom: See, I’m not much of a folk-pop fan if I’m honest; while I can appreciate that musically, this is quite a good song, the style of vocals leaves me a bit cold. That’s my personal taste, though: since you seem to like the genre, what d’you think?
Tim: Seven out of ten for now, but higher if it had a nicer verse.