Saturday Flashback: Guards – Ready To Go


Tim: Normally I hate stuff that TV channels put on screen over the programs, whether they’re massive promos for new shows or just irritating hashtags that say “hey! this is the way in which we’d like you not to pay attention to the show”. MTV, though, have a thing in their dramas where a fairly discreet “now playing” bars appears briefly for any incidental music tracks.

Tom: Huh. For their demographic, I suspect that’s a very good idea.

Tim: It’s via that that I found out what this track was, used recently in an episode of Teen Wolf (you’ll probably judge me based based on the title alone; I couldn’t care less).

Tom: I will.

Tim: Firstly, let’s get the obvious out of the way: CHIMING BELLS, and somehow it doesn’t sound like Christmas – that’s quite an achievement.

Tom: Ah, that’s ‘cos they’re not descending on a major scale.

Tim: True, true. Then there’s the unimportant things, like the lyrics, which are practically non-existent – about six verse lyrics, and then “we’re often ready to go” in there a full twenty four times.

Tom: Isn’t that “we’re up and ready to go”? Like you said, though, it doesn’t matter.

Tim: I thought so as well, but most lyric sites beg to differ.

The singing as well is, well, alright – decent enough, but hardly “you’ve got four yeses”. But all that’s okay, because there’s one thing that really makes this track: the production on it. Because, wow. We thought Hurts was good last week, and it was, but this is fantastic. The drums, the guitars, the bells, the keyboard, whatever else they’ve got in there, all just add together to give a total that is just brilliant.

Tom: Agreed: the ol’ wall-of-sound technique that can often see individual elements lost, but it’s handled rather well here. Yep, that’ll do nicely.