Tim: They’re not going to be as big as One Direction. Let’s face it: no-one is. But, at least they’re giving it a decent shot by, well, doing exactly the same things they did.
Tom: I wonder if, had they been a year earlier, Union J would have been One Direction? Is it just a matter of timing, that the market was ready for a new boy band there, and they were good enough and at the right time? Or is there something special about 1D that UJ have – apart from a much better acronym?
Tim: Good question; I don’t know, really. They weren’t really marketed any differently on the show, so it may just be timing. Or Harry’s hair.
But as for what’s the same: fairly loud first track? Yes. Didn’t do quite as well, let’s not dwell on that. Second track: something a bit less low-key. And so we have this. Which, actually, isn’t particularly low-key once the chorus hits so I suppose that’s something.
Tom: It isn’t, but there’s not much I can say for it. It’s a generic ballad that fits into the background. That said, I don’t think I can remember any of their other tracks, so perhaps that fits a pattern.
Tim: In all, I actually prefer this to Carry You – there’s just more to it. The harmonies are more involved, the instrumentation’s more confident in its variation. And I’m quite a fan of grinding metal noises, so that helps as well.
Tom: I wonder how many people, having ripped the audio from the YouTube video, will eventually feel that the song seems “wrong” without the grinding metal?
Tim: Gosh, what a lot of hypothetical questioning we have today. I reckon: a few.
This, really, might have worked better as a lead single – it doesn’t have the soaring chorus, but it does have everything else a good pop song should have.
Tom: Apart from keeping my attention.