Bjørn Olav Edvardsen – Avalanche

Another dancey-ballady thing.

Tim: Previously seen via his dancey-ballady thing called Mountains, here’s his next one that’s, well, a dancey-ballady thing.

Tim: No repeat of the lovely video theme from previously, alas, as it’s less a video, and more a couple of odd images and some logos. But oh well, the music. Much like last time, very listenable indeed.

Tom: Ooh, really? I found the constant volume jumps in the background of the chorus just a bit unsettling – like there was something wrong and it hadn’t quite kicked in properly.

Tim: I really do love the way his voice goes with the music – I’m probably repeating myself, but the yearning fits brilliantly with the backing that it’s, while not by any means low-key, not appearing as really wanting to be a part of the show. It’s happy to lay back and let the singing take over, and that’s a great theme that both his songs have worked with.

Tom: It just doesn’t mesh well for me: it’s like several different parts have been jammed together, not even working particularly well harmonically.

Tim: Well, I think it’s very pleasant indeed.

Tom: I have to disagree.

Tim: Oh, shame.