Carina Dahl – If That’s The Only Way

“I was feeling a bit glum before I pushed play on this.”

Tim: I was feeling a bit glum before I pushed play on this – tired, just heard a string of duff tracks, not really excited – but then during the pre-chorus a smile appeared on my face, and then just kept growing.

Tim: Marks for the video barely approach positive numbers, what with the the typos in the lyrics and what is basically just an iTunes visualiser for the background, but I couldn’t care less about that. Because man, what a tune that is, with Big Strings thrown in by the bucketload.

Tom: It sounds like the love child of Coldplay’s Viva La Vida and the Saturdays’ Higher. That’s not an insult — those are both cracking tracks to be inspired by.

Tim: There’s not much to it, really, and it’s almost simplistic – as pop music, it doesn’t seem to care about meaningful depth, or inspiring emotions.

Instead, it’s there to be heard, to infect brains, and to be played very loud indeed. And preferably sung very loudly along with. Like so: OH. OH-OH. MAYBE YOU SHOULD PLAY ME ON YOUR STEREO. IF THAT’S THE ONLY WAY THAT I CAN LET YOU KNOW, I WOULD SING MY HEART ON ON THE RADIO. OH-OH-OH-OH.

Tom: Thanks for that, Tim. I actually heard that in a sort of discordant voice in my head.

Tim: And at least that way we don’t need to watch that video.