Tim: Nanne, who in case you haven’t heard of is a Swede who’s been in music for the past two and a half decades and was last heard of in 2011 with her, erm, interesting, ‘My Rock Favourites’ album. But she’s back!
The track isn’t embeddable, but you can listen to it here.
Tom: Crikey, that starts off sounding like an advertising jingle for Butlins. Actually, most of it sounds like that.
Tim: Google’s not happy on the translation of the SoundCloud description, which reminds me that I really must get onto the Duolingo people about Sweden, but it’s something to do with dancing badly (or not) and mostly just hearing it and dancing. And let’s be honest, that’s very easy to do. Because it’s pop. It’s danceable. It’s very pop, and it’s very danceable.
Tom: I found myself adding double-handclaps myself at one point, like it’s the 1970s or something. It’s pap, but it’s very well produced pap.
Tim: A lot of the lyrics are just ‘do-coo’, which suits me fine because now I don’t have to spend time learning foreign when I could just be dancing. And that’s what I really want to do. So I will. DANSA!
Tom: Dancing?
Tim: You know, I knew exactly where that link was going. And I clicked on it anyway.