Tim: It’s songs like this that really make me wish I knew a good amount of Swedish.
Tim: Because my word, what a song. Right from the off we have cracking background instrumentation, and when the vocal kicks the quality shoots right up even higher.
Tom: Quite — although I wasn’t sold on it until that first chorus hit. There’s something just beautiful about the start of that chorus. It’s happy, it’s friendly, and it’s surprisingly summery in the middle of a cold snap.
Tim: But dammit, what is she singing? There’s clearly a lot of emotion in that energetic singing, and I just know my enjoyment would be heightened by understanding what it is she’s singing. On the other hand, my enjoyment is already pretty high up, and I still leant to listen to this track over and over again; I just wish I could get even more out of it.
Tom: So… learn Swedish?
Tim: Yes, I suppose I’ve no-one but myself to blame – my sister even got me a Teach Yourself Swedish thing for my birthday last summer and I’ve barely opened it, so damn me and my laziness, because I want more from this.