Saturday Flashback: Baby Alice – Piña Colada Boy

“It’s a bloody earworm.”

Tim: I asked you what we should feature today, you said this had been on your mind recently; care to explain yourself?

Tom: Because it’s a bloody earworm. Even worse than that Kelly Clarkson Christmas track. It just gets in there and doesn’t leave.

Tim: This is three and a half years old now, so I’m sure the point has been mentioned before, but blimey there’s a lot of Bad Touch in there.

Tom: There is — probably not close enough to get sued over, but it’s certainly very familiar.

Tim: Aside from that (or perhaps given that), what a fun tune. I can understand why it’s in your head.

Tom: It’s worth noting some of those particularly ridiculous lyrics: “my patience shorter than my skirt”, for instance. Bonus points for having a video that somehow manages to objectify pretty much everyone.

Tim: Yes – possibly the best kind of video. And since you mention “that Kelly Clarkson Christmas track”, by which I’m sure you you mean “that glorious new tune Underneath the Tree”, I noticed this week that we didn’t have a new Christmas track, upsettingly; according to Wikipedia, though, these guys have done a version of Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree, and if anybody has a copy of that anywhere I’d love to hear it.