Tim: Last year, we did the John Lewis advert. Two years back, The Churned. 2010, Shakeaway. We therefore have form for one advert a year, so WE’RE DOING THIS.
Tom: And as is traditional, I’ll be handing the reins entirely over to Tim for this one, because I’m not even clicking that link.
Tim: Fine. Be like that.
Tim: First off, let’s ignore the fact that any family that has KFC for their main Christmas meal deserves to be force-fed nothing but said eleven herbs and spices until they vomit herbs and crap spices all over the kitchen floor. And now that’s said, assume (or at least please try to pretend) we’re happy with the idea of KFC for Christmas. Yes? Oh, of course, you’re pretending you’re not listening.
I’ll be honest with you: by two minutes in I was already entranced by this advert. AND THEN THE GOSPEL CHOIR EMERGED. And oh my word, I haven’t heard such a glorious key change since, oh, to be honest I’ve not kept track but flipping heck that wonderful isn’t it? ISN’T IT? You don’t need to answer, because YES.
But of course, it’s not all about the (wonderful) music, there’s the lyrics as well, especially with this being a ‘comedy’ song. And that’s where it (slightly) falls down. Yes, they got in jokes about childhood incontinence, and the current culture of litigation, so well done because those are quite good. But somehow they didn’t realise that “let’s come together at Christmas time” might just possibly, slightly, maybe, in a comedy song, be misconstrued a little bit.
Anyway, deliberate or otherwise, I love it. Christmas is about commercialism, and this is it. Wonderfully, this is it.
Tom: Congratulations, Tim. You’ve found the true spirit of Christmas. We can all go home now.