Tim: This is, I think, probably the gentlest electropop we’ve ever featured here. Have a listen, and inevitably relax.
Tom: Ooh, I’m not sure about that: I’d put some of the Sound of Arrows stuff as being gentler than this. It’s certainly on the calm end of the scale, though.
Tim: If you don’t know your basic Danish, the title just means ‘I Am’, and while I don’t know the other lyrics so could be getting this entirely wrong, the video and musical tone kind of indicate a general message of wellbeing and happiness with the current state of affairs.
Tom: It’s quite pleasant, really, although I can’t say it’s something I’d put on my regular playlist. It’s like a… I don’t know, like a sugary drink that’s been watered down a bit: pleasant enough, seems vaguely sweet, but ultimately just gets forgotten about.
Tim: Erm, what?
Tom: I think that analogy got away from me. Anyway, yes, wellbeing and happiness?
Tim: Indeed. I hope I’m not wrong, because that’s a lovely message for a track, with very gentle (twice I’ve used that word, but it’s true) music and calm yet delicate vocals. So if I’m right, I like this track a lot; if I’m wrong, I don’t want to know. Sound good?
Tom: I won’t translate it if you won’t.