Tim: In an apparent attempt to alienate the entirety of the south-west of Britain, the EBU have chosen to make this the official theme to this year’s Song Contest.
Tom: Oh, they’ve gone for Fake African Chanting! It’s like the mid-2000s never went away.
Tim: They certainly didn’t. She’s clearly happy staying true to the sound that won her the competition, or at the that’s the plan that the contest producers have anyway. It makes sense, after all – this is the sound that Europe officially declared their favourite, and it’s here in a song that has a lot of good bits in it.
Tom: Yep, despite my initial cynicism, this is pretty damn good – as you said, it’s a winning sound.
Tim: For a start, it has “join us” in it quite prominently (though it’s probably in the lyrics as #JoinUs), which is good for the branding and all that. It also has that lovely “make a rain” hook (sod the south-west) which has been going round in my head for quite some time now.
Tom: “Sod the South-West” being the original lyrics to NWA’s breakthrough hit, of course.
Tim: I can’t deny that the “weya”s get a bit tedious after a while, but that’s made up for by the rest of it. Well done producers, nice choice.