Tim: Remember these Czech girls from last August? They’ve got a new song out about kissing, which is good, because a song about anything more than that would probably land people in very deep trouble indeed.
Tom: Crikey, Tim. I mean, you’re right, but… crikey.
Tim: Yes, it’s a bit shit, but, well, it’s also a bit fun, with the video and the ‘dance routine’ all taking place in a milkshake bar (because obviously they can’t go to a proper bar) and a fairly LOLsome story about fake-numbering.
Tom: Did you… did you just say “LOLsome”? Because firstly, it isn’t, and secondly, you just said “LOLsome”.
Tim: Sorry, granddad – I’m just speaking their language. The chorus is pretty good, and probably hits its peak at about the second or third time, because it’s take a while to get you in the mood but then does become a bit tiresome once you’ve heard it nine or ten times, with no variation towards the end of the song.
Tom: Yep. Even a broken-down middle eight can’t save this from the fact that it does Go On A Bit. Oddly, I think the return from the middle eight reminds me of a Kylie song, but I can’t remember why.
Tim: They still, presumably, have their ‘comparable to One Direction’s’ fan base we were told about last time (though I’ve since realised that could just mean that someone’s once written ‘Compared to One Direction’s fan base, 5Angels’s is practically nothing’).
Tom: Ha. Yes, that’s true.
Tim: They’ve been touring with Union J and are currently touring schools because, well, skipping lessons is naughty. Well done everyone, I’m sure they’ll be at the Grammys just as soon as they’re allowed to stay up that late.