Saturday Reject: Niko – Here I Am Again

“This did very well in Sweden, so let’s do it all over again”

Tim: This here is a song that Latvia chose not to put through to Eurovision this year. Before you listen, though, I’d like you to listen to David Lindgren’s Melodifestivalen entry from last year, especially the chorus.

Tim: And to think we were surprised by Cascada last year. It’s quite something, isn’t it? Part of me thinks “sod off, dickhead, this is an entire rip-off”, but part of me admires their balls in doing this, and especially the way that he’s even kept some of the lyrics the same.

Tom: To be fair, they’re both a bit Till The World Ends, but yes – this is a bit closer than you might expect.

Tim: A bit? Mate, they’re practically in bed with each other. I don’t know if Niko wrote the song or if it was someone else, but the thought process was clearly “yes, this did very well in Sweden and they really know their stuff, so let’s do it all over again”.

Tom: And steal Daft Punk’s helmets while they’re at it.

Tim: Part of me, I must admit, wishes this had gone through, just so I could hear the howls of outrage that tens of thousands of fans would emanate. But still, we have a baking song. That’s good enough for me.

Tom: We… we have a what?

Tim: Oh yes – the winning song is called Cake to Bake, sung from the perspective of an incredibly adventurous guy (who’s designed the Great Wall of China, been to space and discovered Atlantis) suddenly presented with a WHOLE NEW CHALLENGE. The (wonderfully catchy) chorus line is “I’ve got a cake to bake, I’ve got no clue at all; I’ve got a cake to bake, I’ve never done this before,” and it’s significantly more enjoyable than this year’s other cake-themed entry.