Say Lou Lou – Everything We Touch

“You’re not bored for all of it?”

Tim: Say Lou Lou are a Sweedish pair who, somehow, we’ve never covered; not to worry, though, as we can make things right with this, by far their best number to date.

Tim: The press release’s two killer words are ‘quietly devastating’, and that’s a weird way to describe a song.

Tom: Yep. That’s the kind of language you use to describe an excellent novel or a terrible diagnosis.

Tim: On the other hand, I can ever so slightly see where they’re coming from, but not in a great way, because the only ‘quietly’ bit is the first verse which is basically quiet in the sense that I’m slightly bored.

Tom: That feeling holds with me through most of the track. You’re not bored for all of it?

Tim: Absolutely not – I reckon the rest of it is brilliant, and will take the devastating to be a good thing, because I suppose language changes and all that. The melody is great, the production is great, the vocals are great – this is a great track, really.

Tom: I’m just not feeling it: I can see what they’re aiming for, but it just seems to plod, and end in a really unsatisfying way. I can’t fault the vocals or the production — it’s just the track itself.

Tim: Suit yourself – I love it.