Tim: Andra Chansen rolls around, and, as far as I’m concerned, went fairly well – my favourite four ended up all in the top five, and the two that went through were both decent enough. Disappointed this didn’t get through, though.
Tim: I’ll be honest: the staging adds a lot to this.
Tom: Agreed: that barrage of lights during that glorious first chorus really does add something.
Tim: It is, undeniably, a slow builder – that first verse is really quite dull, and I found it hard not to be distracted that that idiotic hat. But come the chorus, all was immediately forgiven, or at least forgotten.
Tom: There is a bit of Stevie Wonder’s I Just Called in that build — “no April rain, no flowers bloom, no wedding Saturday,” etc. But I’m willing to believe that’s coincidence given how different, and how big, the rest of the song is.
Tim: Not only did it pick up musically, the light show that was going on him, simple as it was, did so much to say LOOK AT THIS AND PAY ATTENTION. And after that, it was just a question of keeping the attention, which was easy enough with this song – you’ve not only got the background chanting, but also him shouting the decent tune at the top of his voice and then, once we might have got bored of that, the old “break glass in case of emergency” tactic: spread your legs as far as possible.
Tom: There’s more than one way that could be taken.
Tim: And all good ways. Job’s a good’un, let’s have the votes please.